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Lambda Functions

Dozer offers support for Lambda functions or Change Data Functions (CDFs) that serve as triggers for notifications and alerts when specific conditions are satisfied. For instance, you can initiate an alert when a user's account balance falls below a specified threshold. Dozer actively monitors the cache logs for a particular endpoint, and when an activity occurs, it triggers the Lambda function. This can subsequently be employed to dispatch email, Slack or text message notifications to the user.

Currently, Dozer supports Lambda functions written in JavaScript, providing developers with maximum flexibility to customise their triggers.


Add the following block to your YAML file to register lambda functions.

- !JavaScript
endpoint: alerts
module: ./lambdas/log.js


Parameter NameTypeDescription
endpointStringThe endpoint to monitor for changes.
moduleStringThe path to the JS file which contains the lambda function. The default export of this module will be considered as the lambda function.

Lambda Function Interface

function log (event) {
// your code here

export default log;

Running the Lambda Function

  • Run App to start ingesting data into Dozer.
dozer run app
  • Run Lambda Functions to start monitoring the cache logs and trigger the lambda function whenever an activity happens.
dozer run lambda

That's it! You have successfully configured and run a Lambda function in Dozer.

Trying it out

To test a Lambda sample, clone the dozer-samples GitHub repo and follow the steps described here